The time class.
self + other
Returns a time that is later than self by other seconds.
self - other
When other is a Time object, returns the difference between the two times with Float. If other is a numeric value, returns a time that is earlier than self by other.
self <=> other
Compares times. other must be a Time object or a numeric value; if a numeric value, the times are compared in terms of seconds since the epoch began.
Returns the time, having been converted into a string via a format string. The format string may be specified with the following:
Day of the week (Sunday, Monday ... )
Day of the week, abbreviated (Sun, Mon ... )
Month (January, February ... )
Month, abbreviated (Jan, Feb ... )
Date and time
Day of the month (01-31)
Time of day, 24-hour format (00-23)
Time of day, 12-hour format (01-12)
Day of the year (001-366)
Minutes (00-59)
Month of the year (01-12)
AM or PM
Seconds (00-60, 60 being a leap second)
Week of the year, the first week starting with the first Sunday (00-53)
Week of the year, the first week starting with the first Monday (00-53)
Day of the week (0-6, 0 denoting Sunday)
Year, 4-digit
Year, 2-digit (00-99)
Time zone
The character %
Returns the seconds.
Returns the minutes.
Returns the hour.
Returns the day.
Returns the month.
Returns the year.
Returns the number representing the day of the week.
Last updated